Document scanning and records management company PDS has just announced that they have received a contract from the City of Carlsbad, New Mexico to complete critical document scanning for the City Clerk. PDS will be scanning, indexing, and importing over 1,000,000 pages of permanent city records.

The four-phase project beginning in early September is expected to finish in February of 2020. Records set to import include, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, human resources, and payroll-related records. All images and related metadata will be imported into the cities content management system.

To ensure the success of the project there will be a dedicated project management team made up of members of their first-class customer success team.

Full-Service Document and Records Management

PDS is a full-service document and records management provider. With over twenty-four years of experience in the document scanning industry, PDS works with the latest systems to always ensure the accuracy and security of the documents they work with. A commitment to the highest industry standards has allowed PDS to succeed over the last few decades in the market.

PDS has two certified document imaging architects (CDIA) on staff who are responsible for maintaining industry standards, along with proper design and implementation of imaging systems. Designed and implemented by the Computing Technology Industry Association in conjunction with several large imaging software and hardware vendors, CDIA is an industry accreditation program.

Document Scanning Services

The document scanning services and document imaging services that PDS provides are secure – and they will enable the city of Carlsbad to easily access paper information currently stored in vaults, binders, file cabinets and storage boxes.

Once PDS is finished converting all of the city’s files to digital, the city of Carlsbad will see benefits ranging from increased office space to improved morale as employees find their jobs easier to perform.

The city can also expect to see increases in business processes like, productivity, performance, and profits while document management expenses will be drastically reduced as there will be no need to hold space for the storage of paper records.

Document Scanning Improves Collaboration and Communication

PDS’s project will help the city of Carlsbad capitalize on the benefits of document scanning for large organizations. By scanning and producing easily accessible documents PDS is helping the inter-department communication strategy of the city of Carlsbad. Documents that have to be found manually and then sent to the correct department, will be able to be shared electronically instantaneously through the use of a document management system.

Where paper documents limit interaction and collaboration with only one set of eyes in one place able to view them. Digital records encourage interaction and collaboration by enabling different people in different departments to have access to the same information at the same time. This will bridge current communication gaps within the different departments in the city of Carlsbad by bringing colleagues together, leading to an increase in productivity.If you’re interested in learning more about PDS and their new contract with the city of Carlsbad you can view their website, or call 1 (800) 644-7112. 

To learn more about the document scanning services offered by PDS and to get your free assessment contact us today.